Here the Modern Blends with the Old. Feel the History on every Street and Building.

Under the name of Our Lady of the Assumption of Panama, the Isthmian city was founded on August 15, 1519 by the Spanish Pedro Arias Davila. It became the first Spanish settlement (first permanent European city) on the Pacific coast of the Americas.

It was in the year 1521 when the city received the title as such, granted by King Carlos I of Spain. As time went by, the city grew so much that in 1609 it had more than 600 houses, a cathedral, several convents, a town hall, royal houses and other buildings. The peaceful environment was disturbed with the arrival of the pirate Henry Morgan, who was in charge of looting the city on January 28, 1671. The Spanish Crown decided to move the city to a better guarded peninsula that could be walled (10 km to the southwest). Relocation and building of the new city was finished on January 21, 1671, in what is now known as the Old Town (Panama Antigua).

In the 273 years since its relocation until the end of World War II, Panama City was again relocated to where the current Panama Hotel is located, in the heart of Via España.

Old Town (Panama La Vieja) was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003. The historic complex located 20 km east of the Panamanian capital covers 28.5 hectares. The Cathedral Tower, the King’s Bridge, the ruins of its convents, a hospital, houses and cobbled streets are still preserved.

On the other hand, the section of the Old Town with an air of renewal, continues to invite visitors to travel to the Isthmus with colonial architecture and well preserved ruins. It was declared a Historic Monument Complex through Law 91 of 1976. But it was in 1997 that it became a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is currently the second most visited tourist destination in the country.

—Modern times—

In recent decades, Panama City has been growing like other great capitals of the world. Not only has one of the strongest banking centers on the continent, its real estate developments excels with the construction of numerous skyscrapers, some exceeding 200 mts high, others up to 300 mts, so it has become the “skyscrapers city” of Latin America. These buildings provide a new, more urban image of the country’s capital, with a horizon similar to that of innovative first-world cities located next to the coast.

Panama City has a lot to offer the visitors at all levels in tourism, from commercial, culture to entertainment and historical experiences. While it is true, it is a must for tourists to visit the Panama Canal and the new Expanded Canal (main tourist point of the country), the biggest challenge is to have tourists know the country in greater depth: its people, history, natural landscapes and all that it has to offer the world.

If you want to feel like a Panamanian citizen, you should not only check the downtown area. The cosmopolitan lifestyle invites you to perform other activities by moving towards your surroundings.

-DAY: It’s always a good idea to go shopping and take advantage of great offers. After that, took must go for a walk or ride a bicycle in tourist places near the Pacific Ocean. If you do not want to move so far, the Coastal Belt may be your ideal route. But if you want to rent a bicycle or similar to ride a longer route, not far away is the Amador Causeway.

-NIGHT: The nightlife should start with a visit to one or several restaurants, to taste national and international cuisine. The wide gastronomic offer is infinite. You can start with Caribbean seafood dishes, then go to southern, Asian or even fast food with a gourmet interpretation. Later you can have a late night tour in bars, casinos and places with good music to dance. The city also has adult entertainment venues like Le Palace where they have live shows and great atmosphere.

—Things to do—

  • Learn about the past and present of this city, visiting the Panama La Vieja monument on its 500th anniversary of foundation. Visit Panamá Viejo Library (Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm) and purchase historical texts.
  • Explore the protected area known as the Metropolitan Natural Park, with various trails and viewpoints that you can go. Located in the Ancon sector.
  • Take a ferry to Taboga Island, located not far away from the Panama Canal Pacific entrance. Call Calypso Queen Ships: Phone 314-1703 or 390-2403
  • Visit Cerro Ancon (Ancon Hill) and take a walk to the great viewpoint of this tropical forest in the middle of Panama City. (Free admission every day, from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm).
  • Tour the city on a red hop-on-hop-off tourist bus, which you can find in shopping centers such as Megapolis Outlet Mall and Albrook Mall.
  • Travel by train to Colon Province, a short trip that offers incredible views of the Canal. Don’t miss the opportunity to shop in the Colon Free Zone. The train leaves Corozal at 7:15 am and returns on a last trip at 5:15 pm. Only business days, call 317-6070.
  • Impress yourself with pre-Hispanic works reinterpreted by the goldsmith’s shop, with a tour of the Reprosa Factory. After the presentation of a video, you will be taken on a tour to learn how the metal melting process is and works in the process. The tour ends in a boutique with a variety of jewelry, crafts and souvenirs. Value $10.00 children free with their parents. approximately one hour. Includes snack and souvenir. There are two daily tours: Monday to Friday (9:30 am and 2:00 pm). Call 271-0033.
  • Taste 100% Panamanian food. Visit restaurants and fondas with Creole dishes that you can find in various tourist spots such as: Via Argentina on the main road, Albrook Mall, Cinta Costera 3 “Sabores del Chorrillo”, Mi Pueblito, Casco Antiguo, among others.
  • Witness a show with folkloric dance and local food at the Tinajas Restaurant on Calle 51 Bella Vista. From Tuesday to Saturday at 9:00 pm. For reservation call 263-7890.
  • Be sure to go to Mi Pueblito, located on the slopes of Cerro Ancon (Ancon Hill), an area where colonial and country style villages and Caribbean houses have been replicated. The black ethnicity can be deen in the section Mi Pueblito Afroantillano, which was restored in the middle of the year. There are also replicas of churches, huts, houses of indigenous Gunas among other cultural details. Hours from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Call 506-5730.
  • Enjoy the seventh art with the latest technology, visiting the IMAX Panama Canal, at the Miraflores Locks. You will be able to see the history of this work of engineering, narrated by Oscar winner, Morgan Freeman. Price: $10.00 local adults, $15.00 foreigners. $7.00 local children, foreign children $10.00, seniors $5.00. Hours from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm every day.
  • Visit the Biomuseum located at the entrance of the Causeway, where the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama three million years ago is explained though science and technology. The building is a work of art by the famous architect Frank Gehry, his only work in Latin America. Prices: $10.00 local adults and $18.00 foreigners, local children $6.00 and $11.00 foreign minors, $5.00 retirees and students $6.00 (with identification). Free admission on Saturdays and Sundays (from 9:00 am to 12 md first 500 tickets).


  • 了解巴拿马老城(Panamá La Vieja)的过去和现在,参观这座已有500年历史的独特的遗迹。 访问巴拿马老城图书馆(La Librería de Panamá Viejo)(营业时间:星期二至星期日,上午9:00点到下午5:00点)并购买历史文献书籍。
  • 探索保护区,该保护区被称为首都自然公园,它位于安孔辖区(Ancón),在入口处就可以看见多条路径和观望台。
  • 乘座渡轮前往塔博加岛(Isla de Taboga), 小岛位于巴拿马运河太平洋岸入口附近。详情可致电或到卡吕普索女王船运公司(Barcos Calypso Queen),电话号码:314-1703或390-2403。
  • 参观塞罗·安孔(Cerro Ancón),来这个市区中心拥有壮丽景色的热带干旱森林远足。您可以选择从运河管理大楼附近的入口进入。 (该森林免费入内,每天时间上午7:00点至下午4:00点)。
  • 乘坐巴拿马红色观光巴士游览城市,在大型购物中心如Megapolis Outlet Mall和Albrook Mall都可以找到。
  • 乘火车前往科隆省(Colón),短途可欣赏到运河的壮丽景色。借此机会还可以在科隆自由区(Zona Libre de Colón)购物。该火车上午7:15点从科罗萨尔火车站(Corozal)出发,然后最后一趟返程是在下午5: 15点出发。仅在工作日营业,有需要请致电: 317-6070。
  • 参观热普路萨工厂(Fábrica Reprosa),那里的金匠铺里陈列着前西班牙时期的珠宝金器。观看完演示视频后,您将在这里进一步了解那些作品的历史。同时,您将欣赏及参与金属冶炼的过程。游览结束前会去一家精品店,那里有各种珠宝,手工艺品和纪念品可供购买。该趟旅程的费用是$ 10.00。小孩子与父母同去免费。该行程大约一小时, 费用已包括小吃和纪念品。该行程每天2次:周一到周五(上午9:30点和下午2:00点)。有需要请拨打电话:271-0033。
  • 品尝100%巴拿马当地风情美食。 参观带有本土风味的克里奥尔美食(platos criollos)的餐厅和饭馆,这种类型的餐厅您可以在各大旅游景点找到,例如:阿根廷大道的主要街道上,Albrook Mall购物中心,海边大道3号 的“Sabores del Chorrillo”餐馆,Mi Pueblito,巴拿马旧城(Casco Antiguo)等地方。
  • 到贝拉维斯塔51号街(Calle Bella Vista)的缇娜雅斯餐厅(Las Tinajas),这里不仅有当地美食,还有传统的民族舞蹈表演供您观赏。营业时间从星期二至星期六,晚上9:00。 如需预订请致电: 263-7890。
  • 一定要去Mi Pueblito, 它位于塞罗安孔(Cerro Ancón)的山坡上, 那里还原了勒比海地殖民时期内陆城镇和房屋的风貌。My Pueblito Afroantillano社区于近几年修复完成, 该社区代表了巴拿马黑人的文化,习俗,传统和建筑。除其他文化细节外,这里还修复了当时的教堂,草屋和土著古纳斯印第安人的房屋。 参观时间为上午8:00点至下午6:00点。 请拨打电话: 506-5730。
  • 利用最新技术享受第七艺术,参观巴拿马运河米拉弗洛雷斯(Miraflores)水闸和运河博物馆。您可以看到由奥斯卡奖得主Morgan Freeman所拍摄讲述世界工程的历史纪录片。 价格为:本国成年人$10.00美元,外国成年人$15.00美元。 本国儿童$ 7.00,外国儿童$ 10.00,退休老人$ 5.00。 时间是每天从上午9:00点到下午5:00点。
  • 游览位于Causeway堤道入口处的Biomuseo博物馆。该博物馆在科学技术的支持下,解释了巴拿马地峡早在三百万年前就已经存在。 该博物馆建筑是著名建筑师弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)的建筑作品,也是他在拉丁美洲的唯一作品。 博物馆的入场费为:本国成年人$10.00美元,外国成年人$18.00美元,本国未成年人$6.00和外国未成年人$11.00美元,退休老人$5.00美元,学生$6.00美元(需要携带身份证明)。 周六和周日免费入场(仅限上午9:00点至中文12:00点前500张门票)。


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