Rivers, Waterfalls, Beaches, Mountains and Many More Places. The 2nd Largest of All Provinces is Ready to Give You the Most Exciting Adventure.

Surrounded by coasts and amazing beaches, Veraguas is the only province in the country bathed by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Ecotourism and adventure are summarized in the slogan that is used for its tourism promotion “Explore Veraguas”. A destination where you can explore virgin territories recently opened for tourists, in addition to the new historical and scientific findings that differentiate the people of this province that is starting a new book tourism.

—Paradises to Visit—

With more than 410 kilometers of coasts and beaches, this province also has 40 islands, including the Largest in the country: Coiba Island. There is the Coiba National Park, rich in endemic species, mangroves and cativales. In addition to being covered with more than 80% of thick vegetation, the park’s greatest incentive is enabling visitors be in contact with nature, and not needing many amenities, but knowing it is a unique experience.

Coiba Island is considered one of the best diving destinations in the world, being home to the largest coral reef in the Eastern Pacific.

Nearby, as an access point to Coiba island is the town of Santa Catalina, whose beach has the most consistent waves in Panama. It is one of the best references for surfing in Central America. You can also practice snorkeling and fishing in its waters, with a great diversity of marine species.

At two hours from Santiago City, towards the highlands of Veraguas is Santa Fe, a town surrounded by thick forests, rivers, and crystalline waterfalls. At 430 meters above sea level, it has a cool climate and green landscapes. From here you reach more than 30 waterfalls, among the most famous are Alto de Piedra and the Eight of El Salto.

—Marine Life—

The waters of Veraguas are perfect for the procreation of marine species such as turtles and whales. Starting June four types of sea turtles begin to arrive (hawksbill, lora, leatherback and green). They returned to the same place where they were born to lay their eggs. The communities of Malena and Mata Oscura at Mariato, created a festival alluding to this species, in order to protect the process of spawning and return to the sea.

Between the months of July and November it can be seen on the Pacific coast, more than two thousand humpback whales, who arrive to breed or give birth to their whales. The best marine sighting points in this province are in the waters of Coiba, Santa Catalina and Golfo de Montijo. Many of these cetacean babies are 100% made in Veraguas.

—Religious Tourism—

Visiting ancient churches is a tradition in Latin American and European catholic people. In Veraguas, at 17 km from Santiago City, is San Francisco de la Montaña Church. A simple colonial construction on the outside, but majestic on the inside, with fine wooden altars covered in 23-carat gold, with influences from the baroque and indigenous art.

Another well-known point is Atalaya Town, whose main attraction is the Basilica Jesús Menor de Nazareno de La Atalaya. Visited and venerated during the Lenten season, where a procession is carried out with pilgrims from all over the country. Some of them come walking from far away to pay a vow they made years ago. Most attend wearing purple, allusive color to the Nazarene tunic.

—Amazing Camping—

Going to La Yeguada and staying for camping is one of the best tourist experiences anybody can have in Veraguas. There are those who only want to tie their hammocks to relax and watch from the top, the vastness of the territory or camping on a lake surrounded by pine trees, which resembles a northern landscape.


On the Pan-American Highway you can find in Veraguas, the new Santiago Mall, with 40 stores distributed in more than 60,000 square meters. The entire shopping center is established in a total area of 75,000 square meters and has 1,250 parking lots. Further ahead is Boulevard Santiago, with 21,947 m2 of commercial area and 25 commercial premises of the most important franchises in the country. Also, you can visit Plaza Tio Fabio.

For more information visit:

—Things to do—

  • Practice diving and snorkeling in Coiba. In the town of Santa Catalina there are a variety of dive shops, where you can buy the right equipment to go into the sea and see some of its 69 species of fish.
  • Tour some of the 30 waterfalls around Santa Fe de Veraguas. Among the busiest are Las Golondrinas, the three waterfalls of Alto de Piedra, and El Salto where there are eight of great beauty.
  • Immerse yourself in the natural turquoise pool of La Silampa. Its color is due to the limestone bed of its surroundings. You can visit the waterfalls, rivers and trails. Coordinate with a tour guide or tour operator.
  • Relax fishing during the weekend at El Golfo de Montijo (Ramsar Site), the coasts of Mariato, Cébaco island and Coiba island. You can fish from sea bass, snappers, sailfish to the coveted Marlin.
  • Visit a 100% Arabica organic coffee factory in Santa Fé de Veraguas. There are excursions that teach everything about coffee harvesting, processing, grinding and packing of Café El Tute. Call the Tourism Cooperative at phone 954-0737.
  • Purchase a classic Santa Fe hat, a variation of the hat painted, in the Agricultural and Craft Market of Santa Fe.
  • Camp near the lake within La Yeguada forest reserve. Entry times are from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, and prices range from $2.00 per person and $5.00 per tent, and vary by sector and amenities.


  • 在Coiba岛深潜和浮潜。Santa Catalina小镇里有许多不同的潜水店,可以供游客租赁合适的设备入海,并且观赏海里69种不同的鱼类。
  • 游览维拉瓜斯省(Veraguas)圣达菲区(Santa Fe)30多个不同的瀑布,最湍急的瀑布有Las Golondrinas,Alto de Piedra区三个瀑布以及El Salto区(里面还有八个美丽的风景区)。
  • 体验西兰帕(La Silampa)碧绿的天然游泳池,泳池的颜色是来自周边的石灰岩床,也可以观赏附近的瀑布、河流和小径。您可以联系一个私人导游或跟团游玩。
  • 周末的时候,可以来蒙蒂霍湾(El Golfo de Montijo)放松心情,在Coiba、Mariato以及Cebaco海岸钓鱼。这里的鱼类品种繁多,从鲈鱼、鲷鱼、旗鱼到令人垂涎的马林鱼。
  • 维拉瓜斯省(Veraguas)圣达菲区(Santa Fe)有一间阿拉伯有机咖啡工厂,专门讲解土特(El Tute)咖啡的种植、加工、研磨以及包装的过程。有意者可以和旅行社预约短程旅游,联系电话954-0737。
  • 购买圣达菲的经典帽子,在圣达菲手工艺品(Artesanal de Santa Fe)和农业市场(Mercado Agrícola)内有许多不同品种的巴拿马帽子。
  • 在Yeguada森林保护区湖畔附近露营,入场时间是上午8:00点至下午5:00点,价格根据地点和设施而定,普遍来说,入场费是每人$2.00美元,而帐篷的价格大约是$5.00美元一个。


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